6 APRIL 1912, Page 15


[To TUE EDITOR OP TIM "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—You chronicled in your article on the National Reserve last week the generous and public-spirited action of Sir Harry Waechter in providing £2,000 for the parade of the London National Reserve in Hyde Park on June 8th. May I mention that another act of public spirit and generosity from the same source has occurred during the week P Sir Ham Waechter, who was High Sheriff of Surrey last year, has purchased and presented to the town of Guildford a local sports ground consisting of over eight acres. The matter is of no small importance to Guildford, for these eight acres are the only place available in the centre of the town for cricket and athletic sports, and they would have been built over but for Sir Harry Waeohter's intervention and the willingness of the owner, Lord Onslow, to sell at a very moderate price, con- sidering the position of the land. The Spectator, I am sure, will be glad to note the fact that the conditions of sale provide for the use of the ground for the purpose of military mancouvres by Territorials or by the National Reserve, as well as for sports.—I am, Sir, &c.,