Portuguese Slaves.
[TO THE EDITOR or TRH "SPECTATOR. "] MONSIEUR,—Je lie dans le numero du 23 mars 1912 du Spectator Particle et la lettre relatifs A l'esclavage qui exists encore dans les......
The Policing Of Disaster.
[To TUB EDITOR or THE "SFECITIT011."] Sra,—I have twice made the voyage to Buenos Aires and back, the first time travelling in vessels belonging to one of the smaller lines of......
A Generous Gift.
[To TUE EDITOR OP TIM "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—You chronicled in your article on the National Reserve last week the generous and public-spirited action of Sir Harry Waechter in......
The King In India.
[To THE EDITOR OE THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—You may recollect that some two years ago I sent you an interesting letter from an Indian on the subject of "Sedition among the......