6 APRIL 1912, Page 16

[To ran EDITOR OF TOR "Srsevtion."] Sin,—Referring to the letter

on this subject in your issue of March 23rd, your correspondent is mistaken in advocating the use of Stockholm tar. I have had experience of both Stockholm and gas tar for many years, and set out below their respective cost, &c. :— GAS TAR: (1) Coat about 7s. per barrel ; (2) if applied hot will preserve the wood for many years ; (3) hot gas tar acts like a varnish, giving a glossy black coat which is impervious to water. STOCKHOLM TAR: (1) Cost about 30s. barrel ; (2) will colour the wood a nice golden brown, but will not readily dry ; (3) on account of its softness and oily character this tar is principally used for tarring tarpaulins, covers, cords, and ropes.

—I am, Sir, &c., A. HENDY.