6 APRIL 1912, Page 27

A Handbook of Barbados. By C. G. Sinckler. (Duckworth &

Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—This volume, published by order of the Legislature, begins with a sketch of the history of the island followed by an account of the political constitution and of the administrative arrangements. Statistics are, of course, a prominent feature. Tho population has decreased from 182,816 in 1891 to 171,982. Tho cultivated ground is 64,000 out of a total available for the purpose, of 74,000; imports exceed exports (X1,345,193 to .41,088,820) revenue and expenditure show a slight balance on the right side but there is a debt of £430,000, all of it incurred since 1875. We imagine that the fortunes of the island are new on the mend.