6 APRIL 1912, Page 27

London Stories. Edited by John O'London. (T. C. and E.

C. Jack. Os. net.)—In this volume, to be followed up by another, we have a " Collection of the Lives and Adventures of Londoners in All Ages." By way of illustration we have a procession (reminding us of the well-known picture of the Canterbury Pilgrims, by Stothard), in which we may see, so to speak, a menu of the entertainment which awaits us. It is headed by Henry V. as ho was when he rode through London after the victory of Agincourt. Lord Nelson walks a little behind, and the Duke of Wellington follows on horseback, Gog and Magog are behind the Duke, and behind these the Lord Mayor's coach, with anonymous occupants, the figures in front being a curiously mixed company—Sir Thomas More, Joe Miller, and the Islington Miser. This phrase, indeed, fitly describes the whole collection. Of course it is interesting, sometimes comic, sometimes tragic, occasionally repulsive—to a. certain extent it is a selooted Nowgato Calendar. Here are some of the items from the Table of Contents; Nell Gwynn, George Barnwell, Grimaldi, Whitefleld, Hackman and Miss Ray, Charles James Fox, Christopher Wren. R. B. Sheridan, George Eliot, Tom Moore, Chaucer, and Lord Byron. The volume is a republication of six periodical parts.