C Orklous HENS il am able to corroborate all you say
about N ti'°sity in hens,' says Mr. W. A, Evershed, of gereford. 'Among the first half-dozen we !equired after our return from India was a olelooking, very large White Leghorn- Ii „ Ode 1.R. So smart was she that we called >al'r the Major and referred to her as "he" ' thwaYs. He laid a 2 oz. egg and won prizes for blnl, at the local flower show every year of os,_15e. He never stopped laying until a month. : his death from natural causes at the age of `;'ell years. I have seen him stalk and eventu- ally catch a mouse, pecking it continually until 1)4,(1, when he bolted it whole! He also liked rIght objects. He would feed out of the hand 401• 1d, with the food gone, would go on pecking i 'Y wife's wedding ring. He once pecked her ' ill• the
g for da eye, causing a bad bloodshot mark last-
,' ys. My granddaughter, too, suffered 1 .--,,Ile Pinched a silver-paper wrapped sweet out °f he her hand, of which she complained to me „