Letters To The Editor
Capricorn Africa Thomas Fox Pitt Edward Carpenter Judas's Service Rev. J. K. NettlelPid 'Reason and Life' A. MacC. Armstrong Jacobean Intelligence Peter Quennell Alan Hodge......
Sm,—liberal-minded Men, Who Are Becoming Increasingly...
situation in South Africa, will applaud the aims of the Capricorn Africa Society `to establish a society free from all racial discrimination [and] capable of enriching itself......
Religious Tolerance
SIR,—I am making a study of Religious Sym- pathy and Tolerance and should be grateful for the use of your columns to seek from your readers any examples—preferably from their......
Judas's Service
Sia,—It is a pity that in his article (March 30) Mr. Hollis used the four Gospels so indis- criminately. is this due to the Encyclical Providentissimus Deus of 1893 in which......
`reason And Life'
SIR,—In reviewing Sr. Marfas's book Reason and Life Mr. J. W. N. Watkins seems hardly to have realised that the author was setting out to show why we in our age need to......
Jacobean Intelligence
SIR,—In your issue of March 30 we are flattered to notice that you have devoted some three inches of your valuable space to a selec- tion of extracts taken from an article on......