The Spirit of the Giant Mountains. By M. C. R.
From the German. (Murray and Co.)—A charmingly written little volume in honour of Rubezahl, the Lord of the Mountains which separate Silesia from Bohemia and Moravia. The Germans are, we think, the only people who have succeeded in creating a spirit as whimsical as Puck and yet thoroughly terrible. The cuts are very good, especially that of "the horse turned into a dry. branch."
We have also received Messrs. Moses and Sons very clever advertise- ment in the form of a pamphlet, in which they utilize the Tercentenary;
or, Three Hundredth Birthday of William Shakespeare; Ye Russian Ball.
(Carleton, of New York), a poem in ridicule of the contractors ; Parochial Mission Women, by Vice-Chancellor Wood (Emily Faithfnll) ; the Seventy Weeks of Daniel (Arthur Hall and Co.) ; a new Theory of Heat, by A. A. Harrison, M.B. (Macmillan and Co.) ; a Sermon by Henry Ward Beecher, entitled On Ple,asing Men (J. Heaton and Son); the Land Question, an able statement reprinted from the Times of India; a pamphlet on the Civil Service of India, with an analysis of the last four examinations, by the Rev. George C. Hodgkinson (Longman and Co.), in which it is not very reasonably proposed to alter the subjects of examination by way of remedying the young civilians dislike of out-of-door exercise ; a Letter to Viscount Palmerston on the Present Condition of Po1anc4 by W. H.
Birkbeck (Macmillan and Co.); Sermon &Adieu, par Athanase Coquerel file (Michel Levy, Freres); a series of Pen and Ink Pictures, by Euphranor, being a genial criticism of the Edinburgh exhibition (William Paterson) ; An Office of Intercession for the Church, by P. G. Medd, Fellow and Tutor of University College, Oxford (J. H. and James Parker) ; a Primary Charge, by the Coadjutor Bishop of Edinburgh (J. H. and James Parker); Church Extensiom and the Ecclesiastical Commission, by J. M. Dale, Esq. (J. H. and James Parker) ; and the Report of the Society for the En- couragement of Arts and Commerce on the improvement of metropolitan dwellings (Simpkin).