Plain Every Word Of The Text Which Can Need Explanation,
are commend- ably terse, and are placed at the bottom of the page in a form in which the eye can catch them in a moment. This is just what is wanted, and his preface on......
A Plea For Holy Scripture By The Rev. Thomas Griffith,
A.M., Prebendary of St. Paul's. (Macmillan and Co.)—The author of this very able pamphlet shows conclusively that the Articles and Homilies teach that Holy Scripture contains......
Address At The Anniversary Meeting Of The Royal...
By Sir Roderick I. Murchison, President.—This address gives a most clear and interesting account of the progress of geography during the peat year. The most remarkable feat has......
Colonial Essays. Translated From The Dutch. (sampson Low,...
Marston.)—If it were only as a specimen of modern Dutch literature, with which most of us are entirely unacquainted, these essays would be in- teresting. They are, however, of......
An Earnest Appeal To Evangelical Episcopalians. By...
(Longman and Co.)—The author informs us that he was once an Evangelical, and that his brother, the Rev. Charles Bridges, is still a light of that party. Mr. Matthew Bridges has......
The Spirit Of The Giant Mountains. By M. C. R.
From the German. (Murray and Co.)—A charmingly written little volume in honour of Rubezahl, the Lord of the Mountains which separate Silesia from Bohemia and Moravia. The......
From Straining After Rhetoric Than Those Of Most...
ters, and probably as a consequence have much more original thought in them. Without endorsing all Mr. Brown's views, he seems to us to have made an honest and vigorous effort......
A Grammar Of Countmpoint. By John Hullah, Part I. (longman
and Co.)—An attempt to popularize the study of counterpoint by giving not merely the rules, but the principles on which they rest. At the same time the subject is treated with......
Missions Apostolic Und Modern. By Frederick W. Briggs....
and Co.)—This book is really a commentary on the 13th and 14th chapters of the Acts of the Apostles,—the reference to modern missions being of a very cursory and unsatisfying......
Notes On Wild Flowers. By A Lady. (rivingtons.)—the First Of
these volumes is in part founded on MSS. left by the late Professor Henslow of Cambridge, and is intended as introductory even to the text-books of botany. It is clear and well......
Modern Fashion, As Essays. They Put The Religious View Of
life,—the unchangeableness of the human heart—very strongly as against the progress-of-mankind and advance-of-science theories. "Some people," says the author, with considerable......
Greek Grammars Were Written At A Time When The Theory
of language was imperfectly understood, and that the rules they lay down are con- sequently absurd. Ho would have the dead languages taught just in the same way as living......
Judas Maccabocus. An Heroic Poem In Twelve Books. By Edmund
Peel. (Macmillan and Co.)—The mind of the author is evidently familiar with high and noble thoughts, and his verses are those of a man of cultivated and even severe taste. But......