6 AUGUST 1864, Page 23
British and Garden Botany, by L. H. Grindon (Rout- ledge, Warne, & Co.)—.Arnold's Lulu:Verse Composition (Rivington & Co.)—Meditations on Christianity, by ht. Guizot (John Murray)--Cornelius O'Dowd (Blackwood & Sons)—Dennis Donne, by the author of Sir Victor's Choice, 3 vols. (Tinsley Brothers)—Cruise of the Ala. bama and Sumter, 2 cols. (Saunders, Otiey, & Co.)— Cookery for English Households, by a French Lady; Another Story of the Guns, by the Fraser Reviewer (Macmillan &Co.)—Cardinal Pole, by William El . Ains. worth (Chapman &