6 AUGUST 1881, Page 12


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPROTATOR.1 venture to send you a characteristic reminiscence of the late Dean Stanley, of earlier date than that given in your last paper. When he was Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Canon of Christ Church, some one raised the question in his presence whether the proper title by which to speak of him was Dr. Stanley, Canon Stanley, or Professor Stanley. He seemed quite uninterested, but when one or two opinions had been given, he broke in, with that quick, eager manner of his, " There is only one appellation that I care to be known by." " What is that ?" " Arthur Stanley."

I remark, too, his saying, " I never meet an old person, with- out learning something from him ;" and once, when I happened to have sent to the Times, as a "link with the past," an account of an old man, living in 1873, who clearly remembered his grandmother, born in 1697, I received by the next day's post a card from him :—" Interroga senem ilium, de rebus quas ipse, aut a matre, ant ab avia, in memoria sua tenuerit. Quid de Wesleyo? Quid de Carolo Edward() ? Quid de magna Gallo- Francorum Revolution? Quid de Gulielmo Tertio P—A. P.