6 AUGUST 1881, page 3

Ayoub Khan Has, Of Course, Occupied Candahar,—entering It...

30th,—but there, for the time, he seems to be delaying, and it is possible that he will relapse into his idle mood. Abdur Rahman holds Khelat-i-Ghilzai, with one infantry and......

The Convention With The Transvaal Republic Has Been...

the government is to be formally handed over to the Boers on Monday next, August 8th. The Convention has not yet been officially published, but we now know that it contains no......

James Mcgrath And James Mckevitt Were Tried On Tuesday At

Liverpool for their attempt to blow up the Liverpool Town- hall, were found guilty, and were sentenced to penal servitude for life and for fifteen years respectively,—a......

Consols Were On Friday 1014 To 1001.


Mr. Courtney, The Under-secretary Of The Home Office, Is To

be the new Under-Secretary for Colonial Affairs, and so to have charge of the Department in the House of Commons,—a con- siderable rise in status, which we have no doubt he will......

At The Clothworkers' Company, On Wednesday, Lord...

with the enthusiasm of a novice, for the highly " representative " character of the House of Lords, which, he said, " was as representative a body as the House of Commons, and......

And This Was Indeed The Subject Of A Vehement Defence

of Vivi- section, delivered by Professor Virchow, who thinks that it is childish to draw any distinction between the right to put animals to death, and the right to torture......

M. Gambetta Went To Tours On Thursday, With No Great

.display, and there was apparently some falling-off in the popular enthusiasm of his reception on the route, due, per- haps, to the dissatisfaction with which the peasantry have......

The International Medical Congress Met On Wednesday, For...

time, and in London, Sir James Paget being the presi- dent of the year, and delivering the inaugural address. He re- marked on the advantage of getting observations of the same......