NEW EDITIONS, ETC. —We have received :—A Dictionary of Quota- tions
from the English Poets. By Henry G. Bohn. (Bell and Sons.)
—This edition of a very useful and carefully-compiled book of refer- ence is a verbatim reissue (with a few slight corrections) of a
volume printed for private circulation in 1867. The principle of the
arrangement adopted is reference to the subject of the verses from which quotations are taken.—A third edition of A Handbook to
Political Questions of the Day, by S. C. Buxton (Murray).—Melan- choly Anatomised, one of the handy and well-printed "Mayfair Library" series (Chatto and Windas).—Outline of English His. tory, by S. R. Gardiner (Longmans), a cheaper and condensed edition of the same author's larger and popular work, intended for the use of school children in Standards III. and IV. under the Education Code.—A. second edition of Fruit-culture under Glass, by D. Thomson (Blackwood and Sons).—A. ninth edition of Willich's Popular Tables, edited by M. Marriott (Longmans).—A second edition of Arboriculture, by J. Grigor (Oliphant, Anderson, and Ferrier), a practical treatise on the raising and managing of forest trees, and in which is discussed the question of a profitable extension of our woods and forests.—Music Study in Germany, by Amy Fay (Jansen and Co., Chicago).—The Demon, a poem, by M. Lermontoff, translated from the Russian by A. C. Stephen (Tr(ibiler and Co.)—Quips and Oddities, selected and edited by W. Davenport Adams (Chatto and Wiudus).