The Bulgarian Question seems as far off a settlement as
even Prince Ferdinand, it is reported, is on his way to Sofia; but no definite information as to his intentions has been received. Meantime, the Russian Government, which allows the Russian Press to treat him with the utmost contempt, absolutely refuses to countenance his candidature, and is said to propose that General Prince Imeritiasky should be appointed as sole Regent of Bulgaria. It is needless to say that this scheme has no chance. Apparently, the Russian Government think that they can wear out the Bulgarians by persistent hostility, never active, but never relaxed for a single moment. No doubt such treatment sometimes breaks down opposition ; but will it in Bulgaria P The Czar should remember that the Bulgarians are a race of peasants, and that peasant-races endure and survive treatment of a kind which would break the heart of a more sensitive or a more highly developed people.