Erratitic—in Our Review Of Mrs. Campbell.praed's Novel,...
on "Recent Novels " in our last impression, for " the sunny aide of Colonial life," read " the seamy aide of Colonial life."......
The Magazines.
Tux magazines, serious and light, are this month more than usually full of interesting articles. In the Nineteenth Century, Prince Kropotkin discourses on "The Coming Anarchy."......
Burglars In Paradise. By Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. (matto...
of our readers who have made the aquaintance of Miss Phelps's " Corona," her maid " Puelvir," and her dog ' Matthew Launcelot: will be glad to hear something more about them;......
Warring Angelo. By T. H. Penguin. (t. Fisher...
its title indicates, is a story of conflict, the subject being that which presents such an attraction to writers of flotion,—the femme inaompriss. The intention is excellent,......
Current Literature.
Sultan Stork, and other Stories. By W. M. Thackeray. (G. Redway.) —Mr. Shepherd—(for though no name appears on the title-page, we gather that it is he who has collected the......