THE " SPECTATOR."] Six,—We wish to draw the attention of your readers to the forth- coming International Congress on the Home and Education to be held in Brussels at the Exhibition from August 21st to 25th. This is the third Congress of the sort, and they owe their origin to a feeling that in all educational discussions, if they are to prove fruitful, there ought to take part, not only teachers and profes- sional educationists, but also parents, and, in addition, men and women of affairs who may or may not be parents. Educational fads and mistakes have been, and are, largely the result of the fact that, on the one hand, the parent is ignorant and suspicious of the aims and ideals of the teacher ; and the educationist, for his part, is apt to become merely theoretic and out of touch with real life ; further, the family is, after all, the unit of social life, and there is very little sense in discussing educational matters if home circum- stances, relationships, and environment are not to be taken into account. Accordingly it is particularly hoped that there will be a largo attendance of those who are parents at this Conference.
The sections are as follows :—Study of Childhood ; General Questions affecting the Home and Education; Education before the School Age; Education during School Age ; Education after School Age; Abnormal Children; various subjects bearing on Infancy; and the subsections or titles which the papers at the Congress will bear include such subjects as Children's Courts, Children's Benefit Societies, Organisation of Boarding-Schools, and Preparation of those who are Betrothed for Marriage. The English writers include Professor Sadler, Professor Adams, Miss Ravenhill, Dr. Drummond, Mrs. Bryant, D.Sc., Dr. Shuttleworth, Miss Charlotte Mason, and Professor Rippmann. A full syllabus can be obtained from the secretary, Miss Kyle, Highbury Hill High School, N. ; and the price of a ticket of membership, which entitles to admis- sion to the Exhibition and the Congress and the eight volumes of
papers, is 8s. 6d.—I am, Sir, &c., LONDONDERRY,
President of the English Committee.