Wrack. By Maurice Drake. (duckworth And Co. 6s.)—the Hero Of
this book, Philip Stennis, is a naval engineer, who, as the result of an accident which lays him up for some time, makes acquaintance with a certain Sir Charles Steed, the head......
THE LOST HALO.* THE philosophy of this novel—for we may assume that any writer who makes his story a commentary on life is a philosopher—is noticeable for its despondency. There......
The Rod Of Justice. By Alice And Claude Askew. (t.
Fisher Unwin. 6s.)—The scene of this novel is a South African farm, owned by Peter Van Naas, and the house and its inhabitants are typically Boer. Tho person who imagines......
The Magazines.
IN the Nineteenth Century Mr. C. J. O'Donnell has an article upon "Ireland and Conservatism." He begins by pointing out that all countries in which Roman Catholicism is an......