The Debate on Education
Mr. Butler may be congratulated on achieving a record in the present House of Commons. In opening a debate on the White Paper on Education it fell to him to expound on behalf of the Government a major scheme of post-war reconstruction, and from every part of the House he met with encouraging appreciation. There was no lack of constructive criticism, designed to con- tribute to the purpose of the Bill rather than to defeat it ; and in winding up the debate Mr. Ede expressed his appreciation of this
point. On the question of religious instruction, there were inevitab some who regretted that the solution should have to take the fo of a compromise, but the debate was wholly free from sectari bitterness. There was general agreement that the crux of the problem is the finding of the right teachers. There were some w feared that specialised education might be pressed at the expen of general education in the secondary schools, and there were comments on the scantiness of the attention devoted in the White Paper to adult education. It is recognised that the two facton which will most delay the application of the scheme after the u are the training of teachers and the provision of buildings, and too much stress cannot be laid on the necessity of pressing forward I with both of these projects under a sense of urgency. Mr. Butler appears to be fully conscious of that, and in the whole matter the Board 'of Education has set an example which the departments con- cerned-with national planning, social security, health and unemploy ment may well emulate.