War Work For Women Of Fifty
The Government's proposal to register women of the age-group 47 to 5o inclusive has produced emphatic protests in the House of Commons, and a strongly backed motion has been......
Post-war Economy
In a speech at Edinburgh on Monday, Mr. Bevin outlined some of the measures which the Government have been studying to ensure an orderly transition from war to peace. The......
The Debate On Education
Mr. Butler may be congratulated on achieving a record in the present House of Commons. In opening a debate on the White Paper on Education it fell to him to expound on behalf of......
Asylum For War Criminals ?
Certain persons who have conspicuously disappeared from the public view—Mussolini, Farinacci, Ciano, and a number of other prominent Fascists—will soon be officially " wanted "......
General Smuts' Triumph
The South African General Election has resulted in a victory for General Smuts and the supporters of his war policy far more sweeping than the most sanguine prophets had......