6 DECEMBER 1851, Page 19


Tuesday, December 2.

Parnmeesurre DrasoLven.—Adamson and Watkins, Tottenham, buiklers—Aubert and Co. Trinity Square, Tower Hill, ship-brokers—Partridge and Co. Colonial Chambers, John Street, ship-brokers—H. and J. Martin, Bradford, Wiltshire,

mill- wrights—Jones and Graham, Poynton, Cheshire, joiners—Griffin and Mutter. Ba- aingball Street. woollen-factors —Sauter and Son. Birmingham, japanners—Teas- dale and Co. Water Street, Blackfriars, merchants—Bird and Bowling, Orchard Street, Portman Square, surgeons—Hucknall and Sharp, Bradford, Nottingham- shire, starch-reanu£seturers—M.Cartney and Co. South Shields, provision-mer- chants—Johnston and Montgomery, Liverpool, grocers—Carbutt and Good, Leeds, woolstaplers —W. and S. Barker—T. and J. Brown, Bath, haberdashers —Cotterell and Blinece, Hart Street, Bloomsbury, auctioneers —Dowson and Anderson, or Anderson and Dawson, Trinity, Edinburgh. railway-contractors.

BaNenuermEs ANNULLED. — ARTHURRIGHT, Kettering, grocer — WILLIASE LANcensmi, Camberwell, butcher.

ILiNinter•ra.—JAmEs CLARK, Upweli,Cambrikeeshire, miller, to surrender Dec. 16, Jan. 13 : solicitors, Abbott and Co. New Inn; Watson, Wisbeach ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street —WILLIAM BOYCE sen. Dover, hotelkeeper, Dec. 18, Jan. 15 7 solicitors, Church ani Co. Southampton Buildings ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court—WILLIAM MAYNE NEILL, Liverpool, merchant, Dec. 12, Jan. 30: solicitor, Murray, London Street; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers — Wn.LIAsi Rawretts, Mill Street, Warwickshire, maltster, Dec. 17, Jan. 6: solicitors, Heath, Warwick ; Motteram and Co. Birmingham; official assignee, Christie, Bir- mingham—Roemer Jamison-, Nottingham, butcher, Dec. 19, Jan. 9: solicitor, Bow- ley, Nottingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Nottieg,ham—JOSEPH Lomoriorrom and Tisanes Fewerne, Leeds, cloth-merchants, Dec. 19, Jan. 28: solicitor, Middle- ton, Leeds ; official assignee, Freeman, Leeds—SAMUEL CROSLAND, Elland, Yorkshire, corn-miller,Dec. 18. Jan. 22: solicitors, Westmorland and Taylor, Wakefield ; official assignee, Young. Leeds—WILLIAM MASON, Halifax, draper, Dec. 13, Jan. 23: soli- citors, Sale and Co. Manchester • Richardson and Gaunt, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds—ALmos CRAVEN Leeds, cloth-manufacturer, Dec. 18, Jan. 23: solici- tors, Richardson and Gaunt, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds—Moses ORNE and W ILLIAM HENRY LYNASS, Liverpool, ale-merchants, Dec. 15, Jan. 5: solicitors, Anderson and Collins, Liverpool ; official assignee. Morgan, Liverpool—EnwAan WAILING, Liverpool, innkeeper, Dec. 17, Jan. 7: solicitor, Bremner, Liverpool; offi- cial assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool—WILLIAM WAVDRY KING, Liverpool, chemist, Dec... 15, Jan..5 : solicitor, Jones, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool.

Drveranrne.—Dee. 23, Watsonand Hick, Elizabeth Bridge Wharf, Pimlico, cement- manufacturers—Dec. 26, Higginson and Deane, Liverpool, merchants.

CERTIFICATES.— To be granted, unless cause be shown to the Contrary, On the day of weeting.-Dee. 24, Curtis, Norwich, grocer—Dec. 24, Ellis, Rotherhithe Wall, Iron- monger—Dec. 20, Es and H. Miles, East Greenwich, builders—Jan. 19, Reid. Hudders- field, merchant—Jan- 14, Bass, Louth, groeer—Dec. 23, Johnson, Walston, War- wickshire, coal-dealer. DEctin.uncera OF DITIDENDS.—Smith, Warrington, manufacturer ; first div. of 4a. 6d. Dec. 8, or any subsequent Monday ; Bird, Liverpool—Carter, Liverpool, mer- chant; second div. of 24d. Dec. 8, or any subsequent Monday; Bird, Liverpool— Lupton, St. Helen's, tailor ; first div. of Ss. 6d. Dec. 8, or any subsequent Monday; Bird, LiverpooL SCOTCH SEQUESTBATIONE.—Johnstoli, Edinburgh, hotelkeeper, Dec. 8, 29—Scott jun. Kincardine O'Neil, Aberdeenshire, farmer, Dec. 9, 30 — Leggett, Water of Leith, Edinburgh, skinner, Dec. 5, 26— Gihnour, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, factor, Dec. 5, 26— Hutchinson, Edinburgh, brush-manufacturer, Dee. 8, 29— Allienhead and Co. Braefoot, Lanarkshire, masons, Dec. 8, 30—Dickie and Co. Glas- gow, merchants, Dec. 6, 26—Rose and Co. Portmahomack, bakers, Dec. 6, 27—Camp- bell, Ilelensburgh, Dumbartonshire, grocer, Dec. 8, 30—Dutch and Co. Perth, ship-builders, Dec. 9, 30—Johnston and Co. Glasgow, merchants, Dec. 9, Jan. 6— Steven, Glasgow, commission-agent, Dec. 9, 30.

Friday, December 5.

PAHTNEESILI7PS Dr9BOLYED.—Ross and Dark, Narrow Street, Limehouse, mast- makers—Skeffington and Southwell, Piccadilly, booksellers—Faulkner and Co. Manchester, manufacturers; as far as regards T. Lynill—Horne and Richardson, Whitby, printers—Swindells and Williams, Manchester, chemists—Story and Co. Now 'Bond Street, tailors ; as far as regards G. H. Story—Hayne and Son, Fore Street, -Cripplegate, saddlers—G. H. and W. Batteson, Chesterfield, maltsters- Capstick and Atkinson, liendal, linen-drapers—Goodall and Webster, Halifax, dye- vs.are-grinders—Buraley and Co. Birstal, blanket-manufacturers—Clayton and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, wool-etaplers—Ulph and West, Newgate Market, cattle- salesman—Tay/or, Brothers, Denton, Lancashire, hat-manufacturers ; as far as re- gards J. Taylor—Barlow and Sons, Blanchester, nankeen-manufacturers—T. and J. Shaw,, Liverpool, saddletree-manufacturers —Lythgoe and Corn, Burslem, earthen- ware-manufacturers—Kay and Co. Manchester, chemists—Percival and Co. Liver- pool, passenger-brokers—Wilson and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, confectioners—J. and J. Halstead, Burnley, power-loom cloth-manufaetu 'era—Il. T. and F. D. Davies, Seholefield Place, New Brompton, statuaries—Kirkham and Chap;ell, Manchester, manufacturers of small-wares—hi`Nicoll and Amery, Liverpool, steam-sawyers- Lashmar and Duke, Tortington, Sussex, seed-crushers—Sheldon and Felton, Bir- mingham, victuallers—R. and J. U. Saville, York, bakers. Itaneaurrs.—Heen CLAan, Bank Chambers, stock-broker, to surrender Dec. 12, Jan. 13: solicitor, Cox, Pinners' Hall, Broad Street ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street—Tr:loxes STEITIEN CURTIES, York Street, Westminster, cheese- monger, Dec. 11, Jan. 13: solicitors, Morgans, Old Jewry; official assignee, Bell, ColemanStreet Buildings—Wm-ram Wu, ,,es and ROBERT MUDGE MARCIIANT, Great George Street, contractors for public works, Dec. 19, Jan. 31 : solicitors, Fox and Co. Old Broad Street ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—Wm-arta PULLEIN, Friday Street, warehouseman, Dec. 19, Jan. 24: solicitor, Jones, Quality Court, Chancery Lane; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street—James Fut - LEE, City Road, glass-merchant, Dec. 19, Jan. 24: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Charnbers—WILLIAm Many Stock- well Park Road, StoCkwell, builder, and Deptford, victualler, Dec. 16, Jan. 20 : soli- citors, Howard and Dollman, Blackfriars ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court—JAmss NicaoLsoN, Woolwich, grocer, December 16, January 13; solicitors, Lawrence, Mews, and Boyer, Old Jewry; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street — Dam Lirrix, Liverpool, merchant, Dec. 13, Jan. 8: solicitor, Radcliffe, Liverpool ; OffiCial assignee, Turner, Liverpool—Saxes'. WHARTON, Hartford, Cheshire, wine- merchant, Dec. 18, Jan. 8: solicitors, Davenport and Collier, Liverpool; official as- signee, Bird, Liverpool—FREDERICK DEANE, Liverpool, merchant, Dec. 18, Jan. 8: solicitor, Tyrer, Liverpool ; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool—Joni/ WAGSTAFF, Worcester, cattle-dealer, Dec. 22, Jan. 8: solicitors, Hyde and Tynibs, Worcester ;

Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Valpy, Birmingham—Ricnee LD n CAreorr,

grocer, ocer,-Dee. 16, Jan. 13: solicitors, Castle and Henderson, Bristol ; official assignee, Acraman, Bristol—THOMAS WILCE, Rourdean, Gloucestershire, grocer, Dee.19, Jan. III: solicitor, Whatley, Micheldean ; official assignee, Acraman, Brie- tol—Romutr SEYEGUR, Sunderland, linen-draper, Dec. 12, Jan. 20: solicitors, Earle, Southampton Buildings ; Payne and Co. Leeds ; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle- upon-Tyne. DwLDENDs.—Jan. 13, Long, Minories, mercer, (under a commission issued in 1812) —Dec. 30, Coker, Shipdham, Norfolk, timber-dealer—Dec. 30, Davis, Luton, mer- chant—Dec. 31, Midgley, Hull, carpenter—Jan. 6, Canniford, Ottery St. Mary, inn- keeper—Jan. 8, Monkman, Oldham, cotton-spinner. CRILTTFICATBS.— To be granted, toilets cause be shown to the eontrary, on the days.! tafttina.-Tan. 20, John Sykes Jun. Sowerby, tea-dealer—Feb. 2, Lees, Halifax woollen-manufacturer—Jan. Bayliffe, Chippenham, surgeon—Dec. 29, Heywood, Liverpool, provision-merchant

DECLARATION or DiviDEND,—Finelter, Ivy Bridge, paper-manufacturer ; first and final div. of 9d. oaDec. 5, and three subsequent Saturdays,. Groom, Abchurch Lane..

SCOTCH SEOCESTEATIONS.—Nicholson Garclenstown, fish-curer, Dec. 12, Jan. 2— Cabbell and. Dewar, Glasgow, merchants, Dec. 11, Jan. 2— Loban, Stonioway, builder, Dec. 12, Jan. 2—Chapman, Edinburgh, grain-dealer, Dec. 12, Jan. 2.