Hungerford Hall.
An entertainment quite of the "Christmas" kind has been opened at this new and enterprising place of amusement, under the designation of "Optical Illusions." The name may not......
The Sacred Harmonic Society Have At Length Performed The...
of Haydn, after long hesitation, caused by its not falling regularly under the category of sacred music. There was no room for any such scruple. The Seasons was intended by its......
"tile Street Sii0e - Black Movement."
Temple, 4th December 1851. Srei—I observe in the Spectator of Saturday last, that the " Street Shoe- black movement" is mentioned as Mr. C. Cochrane's. Mr. Cochrane is not......
The Westminster Play For This Year Is The Eaisuchus Of
Terence. The days of performance will be Monday the 15th, Thursday the 18th, and Monday the 22d instant. The Marquis D'Azeglio, Sardinian Minister, has quitted London for Paris,......
The Ship Essex Brings News From The Cape Of Good
Hope to the 18th October, a few days later than the last dates. The military situation re- mained unaltered. The Caffres had again been successful in carrying off large herds of......
SATURDAY'. There is no doubt now that a very serious and bloody straggle was maintained in the streets of Paris during the middle of Thursday. Bar- ricades were raised in such......
Tljratrr5 Auk .iuuir.
There is one generous quality which is eminently conspicuous among the amusement-seeking portion of the English ; and that is the warm friend- ship, not to say gratitude, which......
Rettrs To Tht
MR. KINGSLEY AND MR. DREW. 4th December 1851. Srn—Will you allow one of very many persons who are deeply interested in the incidents to which your correspondent " T. C. D." has......
Money Market.
STOCK Excesses, FRIDAY Arrsarroos. The intelligence of the coup d'etat in Paris, which was received early on price Tuesday morning, sent the pri of Console down about 2.1 per......