. report has been.geoeral for the last, few days to the effect thatt. Arch. bishop Murray haft come to the couelusion. that. it. would be both. uno necessary and unadvisahle in the present temper of the times to publicly promulgate the statutes of Thurles, which have been new for some days in the hands of the Bishops. The report further adds, that the ezampLe, of the venerable prelate is to be followed by Doctors Delany, O' Donnell, and Denvir, the bishops in whose dioceses the three Queen's College& are situated, and who, it is notorious, were among the protesters against the. Synodical degrees which banned the system of education pursued in those institutions. An edition of the statutes in English was in course of pre- paration, but within a day or two a mandotohas gone forth suspending the publication until further orders.Dublin. Carropondent of. the Tiones„ Nev. 29,
English and Scotch farmers are settling even in Tipperary, Lately, Mr. Richardson Fraser, from Northumberland, took a farm in that county from Sir Thomas Dewier.
An Irish paper says—" The Thurles Guardians are about to memorial Prince Albert for a portion of the surplus of the Great Exhibition, fund in aid of the rates of that union."
The Reverend Edward Elwood, Protestant Rector of Kilmactranny in Sligo, has been killed by a fall from a gig.
Houston, an innkeeper, has killed himself by leaping ftom a train on the Ballymena Railway, to escape from the custody of a bailiff who was convey- ing him to prison for debt.