The Law Relating to Tug and Tow. By Alfred Bucknill.
With an introduction by Butler Aspinall, K.C. (Stevens and Sons. 3s. 6d. net.)—The law relating to the contract of towage has assumed greatly increased importance since the introduc- tion of steam in navigation and the consequent growth of trade. At one time towage cases could generally be disposed of under the Lead of salvage. Then the steam tug began to be used for expediting the movements of sailing vessels in the ordinary course of the voyage, and now a very large business is done by tugs in docking and undocking ships, and trans- porting cargo in barges between the wharf and the ship's side. With this increase in the uses of the tug the law has kept pace, and Mr. Bucknill's concise and lucid treatise should be welcomed both by lawyers and shipowners.