The Housing And Town Planning Act.
[To TRX EDITOR or TEN " SrscrArron." SIB, — The Housing and Town Planning Act, 1909, has very much to recommend it to all social reformers. The condition' of the homes of the......
Shakespeare And The Blind.
ITO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—We, the undersigned blind members of the Council of the British and Foreign Blind Association, venture to appeal to your readers for......
Memorial To The Late Sir Willtam White, K.c.b., F.r.s.
[TO THU EDITOR OF THR " SPECTATOR."] SIE, - I am desired to bring to your notice the steps that are now being taken to establish some permanent memorial to the late Sir William......
Sir Herbert Tree, Sir Arthur W. Pinero, G. Bernard Shaw,
Sir J. Forbes-Robertson, Cyril Maude, Alfred Sutro, John Galsworthy„ .J. St. Los Strachey, Sir J. M. Bathe, Anthony Hope, Lord Courtney, Robert Bridges, Professor Hales,......
Cottages That Pay. [to Thic Editor Of The "srecrexoa."]
SIR,—The letter of Mr. Harold Cox on this subject in last week's Spectator induces me to add my own experience on this pressing problem, gained in this parish during the last......