t'10 TUN EDITOR OF TRH " SPECTATOR." I Siu,—I find on inquiry that this society can only assist where 'a number of (or several) cottages are to be built. As there are comparatively few rural landlords who are in a position ; to build a number of cottages at the same time, even if the demand on their estates justified the outlay, I fear the useful- ness of your scheme may be circumscribed. On the other hand, there are many landlords, with yearly rentals of from 2100 to 25.000, who might profit by the society's help were it extended to cases in which a single cottage was to be built ; or repaired and enlarged. Recently I asked the society for a loan of 2100 to meet the cost of improving and enlarging a ; single cottage, now unlet because it is rather small. I would !readily have paid the charges for the loan, amounting to , 24 17s. per annum and a fee of 25, seeing that I might expect a rent of 24 for the cottage, whereas now I am getting nothing.. When once the fee had been repaid I should have had my cottage for 17s. a year—not a great outlay considering the advantage gained. But so far, I believe the society is not in a position to deal with such propositions as this. Let us hope it soon will be, as there must be many similar cases.- 1 am, Sir. &c., WILLIAM MURRAY. Murraythwaite, Ecelefechart.