6 DECEMBER 1924, Page 1

We must now set on record a few of the

principal events. On Thursday, November 27th, three important Egyptian politicians were arrested : Mahmud Effendi Nekrashi (until a few days . ago ,Under-Secretary of: State for the Interior), Makram Effendi Ebeid, and Abdur Pahman Bey - next - day several more arrests were made, among those taken being four Deputies and some of the notorious student revolutionaries in Alexandria as well as in Cairo. As soon as Ziwar Pasha, the Prime Minister, heard of the arrests he went to the Residency to see the High Commissioner, and soon afterwards the prisoners were handed over to the Egyptian judicial authorities. The Cairo correspondent of the Times says that the three principal prisoners arc believed to have been concerned in a conspiracy against high British officials. Unfortu- nately there can be no doubt as to the reality of such conspiracies. The chief anti-British organizations are well known by name, and all the recent risings in the Sudan have been traced to them. Most of the members of Zaghlul Pasha's Government were willing to profit by any criminal violence that was successful, but were also quick to disown whatever movements in this sort did not serve their purpose.