Readers Of The Spectator Who Arc Interested In Problems Of
finance and currency (and we know that there are. many such) should certainly read an article in this month's National Review by Mr. J. F. Darling, called. " The Anglo-American......
* * * * The Need For Alternative Transport Facilities
in London was further emphasized on Monday by Sir William Joynson-Hicks, the Home Secretary, in a speech at the opening of 'the reconstructed Tube which will now be called the......
When Mr. Darling Writes Of The Danger Of A Return
to the gold standard he is, as usual, admirable, and points out more clearly than we have yet seen it stated that it would be a return not to our gold standard, but to an......
On Tuesday The London County Council Rejected Sir Samuel...
attractive scheme for running a motor-boat service on the Thames. The decision followed upon the unfavourable report of the Committee which had inquired into the proposal. The......
On Tuesday Lord Darling Gave Judgment In The Astonishing...
Case. He decided that the £150,000 paid into the Midland Bank (out of which the plaintiff, Mr. Robinson, had sought to recover £125,000) had been in practice stolen from the......
A Provisional Arrangement Has Been Made For The Sale Of
the Foundling Hospital. With the decision of the Foundation to accept a million and a half pounds for its present estate in Bloomsbury, and to move the charity to the country,......
Although The Jury Were Not Required To Find Specifically Who
the blackmailers were—for the trial was a civil not a criminal one—the notes of evidence have very pro- perly been handed to the Public Prosecutor. The impu- dence and the......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 3 Per Cent.
July 5th, 1023. 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 101g ; Thursday week, 1011 ; a year ago, ]001. 3 per cent. Conversion Loan was on Thursday, 79g.; Thursday week, 79 ; a......