DR. BARNARDO'S HOMES [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—At
this season of the year may I ask the indulgence of your columns to plead the cause of the 7,300 boys and girls and babies in. Dr. Barnardo's Homes—the largest family in the world ? The charter of these National Homes is " No destitute child ever refused admission " ; there is no red tape, no votes are required, there is no waiting list—the need of the child is the only consideration. In fifty-eight years 98,000 children have been lifted out of the shadow into the sun. Five are admitted daily.
Many of these children come from the gloom of the slums. We give them a new environment, build up healthy bodies and minds, train them and place them out in life as healthy, honest and God-fearing citizens. It is a good investment, for the children are the nation's, and indeed the Empire's, greatest asset. Become partners in this work with us, and help to keep our doors widely open for the reception of-orphan and destitute children. We are relying upon our Winter Appeal to maintain our great family during the winter- 1,328 are babies and little tots under five. Ten shillings will feed one child for ten days. Your Christmas gift to the children will bring you happiness, for after all there is no . joy equal to the joy of giving.—I am, Sir, &c.,
WILLIAM MCCALL, Chairman of Council.
P.S.--Cheques should be made payable " Dr. Bamardo's Homes Winter Appeal," and may be sent to me at 18-26 Stepney Causeway, London, E. 1.