It has_ been a pleasure to.notiee in general. that several.
Ministers and'supporters of the Government—Sir Kingsley Wood, for instance—have lately brought into their speeches references to the disgrace of the-slums. Fore- casts of the King's Speech also include the slums as a subject upon which- the Government mean to take serious action. We can only hope that in this case the forecasts are right. At least we can say that the subject of slums is attracting more attention than ever before, and that the omens for something being done are good. We must now say a word as to the intentions of The Spectator. We have already stated fully our belief in the possibility of mobilizing all the extra building- forces in the country and of constructing Emergency. Houses. We are still- exploring the ground, and we shall report to our readers early in the New Year what we consider to be the best way of handling the matter—, whether. by way of an Exhibition and Competition or otherwise. * *