Those of us who live in hopes of a revival
of the cartoon may be encouraged by an idea in gift books, which is growing in popularity, The Best of Low (Cape, 6s.). How many tunes one has bought the Evening Standard, very likely only for the sake of the Low cartoon !—and wanted to cut out and keep the graphic record of ephemeral situations— for instance, " A Conflict of Chins, the irresistible force meets the immovable object "—" featuring" Mr. Snowden and Signor Mussolini on the occasion of Reparations discussions at The Hague Conference. Here is the pick of the last three yeais, each with explanatory comment, which, be it said, in map), cases spoils the whole effect. But then presumably the present age is not yet educated up to the cartoon as a sufficient vehicle of expression, it is intoxicated with words.