Cruel Rabbit Trapping
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The vicar of Morwenstowe surely cannot mean what ho writes in the opening words of his letter in the Spectator of Nov- ember 22nd,......
Points From Letters
THE VATERSAY.' Could any of your readers inform me about a vessel which was wrecked off the West Coast of Scotland, named the 'Vatersay.' ? This happened about 1852, and there......
A Hundred Years Ago
The Great Unpaid have grievously disappointed their friends. Those who take the trouble of thinking before they form their opinions, knew that these gentry would prove......
Colonel Ronald G. Brooke
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The death of Colonel Ronald Brooke, late of the 7th Hussars, at Cannes, last week, removes a very attractive personality with a long and......