Christmas Cards
Astosza the Christmas cards which we have received this year for review there is a new series, the Pax series, which
can be obtained from St. Mary's Abbey, West Mailing, Keat- s very original and charming series. All these Christmas cards and calendars are of Biblical subjects, but many of them are new in treatment. For Is. there is a reprint of a Christina Rossetti poem, illustrated in a pre-Raphaelite style. For 4d. each, there is a selection of blue and white cards which are refreshingly simple. There are also cards for 2d. and little bookmark cards at Id. The calendars seem a little expensive at 2s. 6d. each.
As usual, the British Museum publish this year reprints of old pictures and illuminations. They are, needless to say, as beautiful as ever, and will make presents which one does not destroy when the chimneypiece gets too dusty to
retain its decoration of Christmas cards. Most lovely is
perhaps " The Dance in the Garden," from a Flemish fifteenth-century manuscript of the Roman de la Rose (1s.), and " The Garden Scene " from the same manuscript. For sets of six cards of different subjects the price is only a shilling ; Particularly beautiful is the fourth series of these pictures of reprints from the Dominican Book of Hours, executed in France in the fifteenth century. Nobody will make a mistake who selects their Christmas cards from the British Museum reprints.
" The Men of the Trees " Society have this year produced a Tree Calendar dedicated " to all tree lovers and to.. those
who would keep their country beautiful by tree planting." It costs 5s., or can be obtained at 43s. per dozen from 32 Warwick Road, London, S.W. 5. Cheques should be mode payable to the Calendar Secretary. The photographs of trees reproduced in this calendar are very good, particularly that of a beech-tree walk, which looks extraordinarily like a picture of Savernake Forest.
Messrs. Faulkner (79 Golden Lane, E.C. I) send us a magnificent collection of calendars mostly of country scenes, animals, old-fashioned Christmas celebrations, amongst which is a particularly charming one of an old curiosity shop. They also send a collection of Christmas cards at a varying range of prices.