Gift Books
ACCORDING to Mr. Beaton, all the most admired women of to-day " have certain qualities and attributes in common ; their mouths are not small, but their chins are. They have high cheek-bones and large foreheads, and full crowns to their heads of smooth hair, and necks, legs and arms of a marionette thinness." Read right through, his Book of Beauty (Duck- worth, 25s.) produces the same effect as a surfeit of hors &tenures. But the author is trebly talented (famous as a photographer, he is also an artist in words and with his pencil), and he is, moreover, endowed with that aes triplex without which success in life is hard to come by. His subjects will dislike having their noses likened to polished buttons, serpents, or rabbits, and their lips to strawberry jam ; but Mr. Beaton knows what he is about, and however crisp his criticism it has no barb in it.