Whisky, by Mr. Aeneas Macdonald (Edinburgh: Porpoise Press, 5s.), is
certainly a distillation of wit that the distillers will not like. However, the general public will, for Mr. Macdonald has something to say, and says it well, in spite of his bitter hatred for those who mix soda instead of plain water with their Highland malt. This is a good book, written with real knowledge of the whisky trade, and a genuine desire to improve it. His chapters deal with the nature of whisky, its history, making and blending, geography, judging, purchase and care • with some useful recipes for whisky Toddy, athole brosc, fluid mans milk, het pint, and other beverages. The reason the distillers may disapprove of this amusing and instructive book, is that Mr. Macdonald disparages highly advertised brands of whisky : he would have us all con- noisseurs, choosing our vintages of usquebaugh as we would our port or claret.
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