6 DECEMBER 1930, Page 54

Financial Notes


ATTENTION in the stock markets during the past week has been largely occupied with the arrangements of the fort. nightly account, and price movements have been somewhat irregular. Moreover, there is usually a tendency to go slow in dealings during the early part of the last fortnightly account of the year in view of the fact that the period is not infre. quently characterized by a certain amount of selling to provide cash for end-of-the-year balance-sheets. High-class investment stocks, however, have been steadied during the week by the reinvestment of some portion, of the War Loan dividends disbursed on December 1st, while Transatlantic shares have benefited by some renewal of support from Wall Street. Some Home stocks after dullness rallied a little on relief that a coal stoppage had been averted, while Home Railways rallied slightly for the reasons mentioned in a separate article. In the speculative markets a feature bag been the strong rally in Oil shares due to a reassuring speech by Sir Henri Deterding at a meeting of the Royal Dutch Company held in Amsterdam.