From Dr Philip M. Peverley Sir: Rod Liddle has opened
my eyes this morning with his radical theory on working women, or rather non-working women.
In general practice the situation is even worse. The vast majority of male GPs work full time, while the minority of female GPs do so. Also, they are much less likely to take on full partnership, with the added responsibility and paperwork that comes with it. And yet I had never thought of my female colleagues as the bunch of idle sods that I now see they are. Decades of subliminal equality indoctrination had left me rationalising thus: women must have more sensible priorities than we do.
However, I now see the truth, and Rod Liddle must be praised for having the capacity to think and express such thoughts, even after working all those years for the BBC. He is a genuine free-thinker. Give the man a day off.
Philip M. Peverley
(Full-time GP, married to a part-time GP), Rocker, Sunderland