Greatness Departs
MICHAEL HENDERSON E ven the best performers have difficulty in knowing when to go. Particularly the best, one might say, because, having scaled the heights, they imagine they......
Q. I Have Always Deplored The Practice Of Having To
shake hands with strangers. After a burly oaf at a smart luncheon party shook my hand with unseemly force, I was barely able to hold my knife. The pain and fear that he had......
Q. I Have Moved From Wiltshire To Cornwall And Now
participate in a brisk social life accompanied by a certain increased degree of formality — doubtless due, in part, to the seniority of those involved. However,! recently......
Q. I Am Engaged In A Friendly Dispute With A
peer, on which hangs a case of champagne. It concerns dinner table etiquette. To whom should a man talk for the first part of a dinner party? I maintain that he should talk to......