6 FEBRUARY 1847, Page 11

Last night's Gazette oontains the following announeementec- Mr. Lloyd Vaughan

Watkins to. be Lord-Lieutenant and Caritas gotulerunt the county of Brecon. Mr. Edward. Carleton Tufnel and Mr. Joshua Fasten Buddock to be Inspector. of Schools.

Dr. William Pulteney Alison, to be First Physician: to her, Majesty.; Dr. Reber* Christison, to be one of the Physicians in Ordinary; and Dr..Jemes Young Soup,- son, fob. PhyeicianAcooucheur; all "in. Scotland."

Mr. Charles Frederick Rothery to he Commissioner, in,the.Mised Commiasiare Court at Boa Vista.

Mr. Charles Cochrane met a party of the electors of Westminster Net evening, at the Hanover Square Rooms, to make a declaration of his poli- tical opinions, as a candidate for the representation in the room of Mr. Leader. He was introduced by Sir C. Aldis. Mr. Cochrane made an am- biguous speech, of very questionable taste; in whichhellitited opinions oP' extreme Liberalism, but described- himself as anything but a Whig. The meeting passed a resolution, to support Ms. Cochrane.