6 FEBRUARY 1847, page 2

Lord Robert Grosvenor And His Nephew Earl Grosvenor Have...

slipped into their seats for Middlesex and Chester, no party opposing. This is not merely because their tenure of the posts is to be short, but also because there is a perfect......

The Principal Incident In Paris This Week Has Been A

speech that M. Guizot did not speak. He was to have uttered a very warlike harangue on Wednesday, apropos to a paragraph in the address of the Deputies on the 11Iontpensier......

There Is Some Weakness In The English Character, Which Makes

us often inclined to be forced into an act, rather than to do it on purpose of our own spontaneous will. Our Indian Government scruples to assume the sovereignty of the Punjaub,......

Debates Ant( Vrocetbinio In Vadiament.

THE Ms - omits FOR IRELAND. In the House of Commons, on Monday, Lord Joins Roseau, moved the order of the day for the second reading of the Labouring Poor (Ire- land) Bill. Mr.......