Towards the close of last year, we urged the necessity
for- the im- mediate erection of a General Record Office, and,pointedi out as tbe most; eligible site for such a building the Rolle estate in Chancery Lane. We now hear that the sullied has been under serious consideration. by the go- vernment; and that it has advanced' so far that survey,s ottite. Rolls eatate, have been.made, an ample and very eligible site has been provided, and a definite plan proposed. We-do not know thatranythint hinders the im- mediate erection of the building. Of course it cannot be the cost; for the British Government has been lavish in buildings of less necessity. Then rebuilding of the British Museum cost something not far- from a million; and the public records are four times the cubic bulk of- the MSS: andt printed books of the Museum. We do not know what the new Recent' depository will cost; but its style will be less expensive„ and probablz 300,0001. may suffice. Cost what it may, however, the outlay. must be in- curred: centuries of neglect and makeshifts bring,theie own- expenses tits- be reamed some day; and true economy, in this case will' be-best seouredi by setting to work, without furthen procrastination.