Sin,—In your brief review of my book, "The Bible or the Church P" in last week's Spectator you honour me by noticing my crusade against the critics, althoug:1, as you remark, that subject is outside the scope of the book. May I appeal both to your courtesy and your sense of justice to allow mo to say that hero you have misrepresented my position and my views ? A reference to my books (e.g., "The Bible and Modern Criticism," " Pseudo-Criticism," &o.) will satisfy any one that, so far front fact is it that "the view which the Pope and [I] take of the Bible is really the same," everything I have written on the subject brings me under the Papal ban. You urge, moreover," that the believing
critics aro Liny] best allies." If I class the "unbelieving critics" with the burglars, I bracket the "believing critics" with the humanitarians who thwart all our efforts to suppress the burglars. Take Professor Driver, for instance. He holds the Pentateuch to be a tissue of legend, fable, and fraud, but yet he assures us that it is all divinely inspired. Or Bishop Gore, who refuses to vouch for the truth of the Gospel narratives, but calls on us to believe them because "the Church" accredits them. If only I could prove "special damage," I should servo a writ on any one who identifies me with superstition such as this !—I am,