Secret Service.
1 To THE EDITOR Or THE "SreoTaTon.1 SIR,—With regard to your interesting article on " Secret Service" in the Spectator of January 9th, I beg to draw your attention to the speech......
"the Bible Or The Church P "
[To THE Eutron Or THE "SPECTATOR." Sin,—In your brief review of my book, "The Bible or the Church P" in last week's Spectator you honour me by noticing my crusade against the......
[to The Editor. Or The " Elmer/am-]
Sift,—We in Bristol are naturally elated by the knowledge that the Leigh Woods, with Nightingale Valley and the ancient camp, have been saved from the hand of the builder, or......
" Stewart Of Lovedale."
[TO THE EDITOR Or THE "BrEOTATOR..1 SIR, — It is somewhat difficult for a Scottish reader to under- stand the comments of your reviewer in his notice of "Stewart of Lovedale "......
Two Gallant Policemen.
[TO THE 'coma Or TUB "SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—Two policemen lost their lives lately almost simul- taneously, in the execution of their duty, one in England, the other in Ireland. In......
Rights And Duties.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,— " There is one thing greater," said Lacordaire to the men of his day intoxicated with the triumph of revolutionary principles—" there......
The Leigh Woods And The Avon Gorge.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR." J SIR,—Thore is one point in your "note of satisfaction" (Spectator, January 30th) that the Leigh Woods, with the remarkable prehistoric......