6 FEBRUARY 1909, Page 2

The Daily Chronicle ends its article by declaring that no

decision was reached by the Cabinet, but that the rumours of impending resignations may be dismissed, "The Cabinet will not fall to pieces on a question of this kind." That the Daily Chronicle account is accurate in detail we do not suppose, for even in these days of " enhanced publicity" Cabinet secrets are on the whole well kept. At the same time, we do not doubt that there is a good deal of division of opinion in the Government. It is one of the evils of reckless finance and vast expenditure that Ministers in their desperate efforts to save money are tempted to run the terrible risk of not keeping up the necessary national, insurances. We do not, however, think that in the present case there is any cause for anxiety. We are convinced that the Prime Minister, Sir Edward Grey, Mr. Haldane, and Mr. McKenna will not imperil the safety of the country in order to prevent a Cabinet crisis.