6 FEBRUARY 1909, Page 27
READABLE NOVELS.— The Plower of the Heart. By H. B.
Marriott Watson. (Methuen and Co. Os.)—A. novel of the world, the world of finance and of society. It is dedicated to Mr. H. G. Wells, possibly to show him what it is that he has to remake.—A Banished Lady. By Sarah Tytler. (Digby, Long, and Co. es.)—The story of how a family feud began mad ended, well conceived and well told. The hero and heroine, if Johnnie Cranstoun and Darcy Charteris may be so described, are par- ticularly good.—Gilbert Neal. By Will NAIarben. (Harper and Brothers. 6s.)-1 fine story of American life, but not for every one to read.