Tales front Exeter Cathedral. Told to the Children by Mrs.
Frewen Lord. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co. ls.)—Mrs. Frewen Lord gives her first chapter to the state visit of William of Orange to Exeter Cathedral on November 9th, 1688. Every one will not think it an auspicious opening, but we have no complaint to make. Then comes a plan of the Cathedral, with some particulars of its building and the builders. After this we have what may be called the substantial part of the volume, the stories of the men who are commemorated by tombs, monuments, tablets, and painted-glass windows. Of these there is an imposing list, not a few Bishops of Exeter being among them. Not the least honourable name commemorated is that of Bishop Horden, who held the See of Moosonee, where he had already been labouring for twenty years, from 1872 to 1898.