It was decided at a preliminary meeting of Edinburgh Liberals, on Wednesday week, to fix an early day for a public meeting to protest: against the Canadian war. The numbers were—for the meeting 33, against it 21. A correspondent of the Glasgow Argus, writing from Edinburgh, says—" The religious public (really religious) and the Quakers are mustering for us."
The Glasgow Argus, which for many months beck had the motto " Vote by Ballot," prefixed to its leading article, has substituted " Peace with Canada" in its place.
On the 29th of December, a meeting of Liberals, including a num- ber of Whigs, was held in the Justiciary Court Hall, Glasgow, to petition Parliament for the Ballot, and an extension of the Suffrage. Dr. Taylor moved to substitute " Universal Suffrage," for "an exten- sion of the Suffrage." Mr. Weir considered that it was injudicious to insist upon Universal Suffrage, as that demand would occasion disunion, and deter many excellent Reformers from joining their ranks. On a show of bands, the amendment appeared to -be carried ; but the Chair- man not being satisfied, the question was put a second time, when the majority for the amendment was larger than before. A petition for the Ballot and Universal Suffrage was, therefore, adopted.