6 JANUARY 1838, page 24

A Portrait Of Justice Patteson, Painted By Mrs....

engraved in mezzotint by S.ssaism. Cousixs, is one of the noblest specimens of modern portraiture that has been produced. For bold- ness and simplicity, distinctness of......

Fine Arts.

WE have got a National Gallery of pictures—such as it is; but a Gal ry of Na 'o t al Art is a very different thing. To be sure, as there chanced to be in Mr. ANGERSTEIN'S......

We Were Shown The Other Day Another Portrait Of The"queen,—a

half. length, in water-colours, painted by PARRIS. It represents her Majesty standing up in her box at the Theatre, and gives a full front view of her face, the eyes looking......

Harding's Later Studies Have Been More Adapted For The...

pupil • he has now turned his attention to the young learner, for whose use he has sketched some more simple bits of scenery, forming an Early Drawing-Book suitable for......

Progress Of Publication.

THE first great publishing event of the year is a speculation, or more properly speaking a national undertaking, by Mr. Tarr of Edinburgh— the appearance of a complete edition......