6 JANUARY 1838, Page 24

A portrait of Justice PATTESON, painted by Mrs. CARPENTER, and

engraved in mezzotint by S.ssaism. Cousixs, is one of the noblest specimens of modern portraiture that has been produced. For bold- ness and simplicity, distinctness of character, and breadth and power of pictorial treatment, it is eminently admirable: the style of art is unaffected, vigorous, and manly—though the production of a woman ; we took it to be by BRIGGS before we saw the lady's name. In short, it is an example of what genuine portraiture should be ; and places Mrs. Carinsrut in the very highest rank of her profession. COUSINS has translated the painting into black and white in his usual masterly manner : he is a painter on copper. The face is breathing with life, and the ermine of the judicial robes seems palpable to the touch.

We have received another specimen of medallic engraving by Mr. BATES'S Anaglyptograph,—a copy, from a bas-relief by HENNING, of the Cartoon of the Beautiful Gate of the Temple: but we cannot judge of its merits without comparing it with the model.