The intelligence received from Canada of the arrival of a reinforcement of troops from New Brunswick at Montreal, and the general tone of the letters received by the packet on Monday, which represented the rebellion as almost extinguished, caused an improvement in the price of Consols; and the specula- hone rose from 92 to 92k. The market, however, has since become heavy ; and the price declined yesterday afternoon to 92i. This morning, on the publica- tion of the accounts brought by the Oxford, of the insurrection having spread to Upper Canada, the market has experienced a decline of a per cent; Consols for Account having been &slim as 91i. The anxiety of some of the speculators for a fall to replace the stock then had previously sold, has Canned some ex- tensive purchases; and the market Iran reacted about a per cent. from its lowest quotation. The premium upon India Ronde and Exchequer Bills has im- proved, although money has not been abundant. The books of the various Stocks, which have been closed for the Dividends, will be open tomorrow for private transfer. The existence of an insurrectionary spirit in Upper Canada is viewed here with considerable alarm, as all the communications previously received had induced the belief that considerable assistance would be afforded to the Govern. ment by the inhabitants of the Upper Province towards suppre.sing the rebel- lion of the Lower. Little doubt seems to be enter tained that this rebellion will be put down ; but as the state of Canada must tender the maintenance of a large military force there necessary for some time, there cannot be much hope of the existence of a Sinking-fund, as that part of the revenue which, under other cirrunistances would Be applied to the redemption of the Debt, must be diverted to the support of the armament now rendered necessary. Brazilian Bonds have been the objects of considerable fluctuation; and the market fur them has been in a very feverish state. The foreign holders do not seem at all inclined to sell ; the prices in Holland and Belgium being consider. ably above our quotations here. An extensive sale occurred on Tuesday, and the Bonds became suddenly depressed from 73 to 69k. It was then reported that intelligence had been received from Maranham, and that an in•urrectiouary movement, similar in character to the recent one at Bahia, had wearied in that province. This report was entirely without foundation but, as it afterwards appeared that the sale of stock alluded to was not induced hy any political intelligence, the price speedily rose again ; and yesterday, when advice, to the 26th November were received from Maranharn, at which period every thing was tranquil, and the occurrence of the events at Bahia unknown, the price rose to 73. The Bonds have to-day again improved to 75a. Advices having been received from Bahia to the 2:3d November, when the rebels were repre- sented as it, a desperate condition : these latter prices have not been supported, as the Bonds have declined from 1 to per cent. Dutch Two-and-a-Half and Five per Cents. had improved, in consequence of the rise in Consuls, and some improvement in the prices of these Securities in Holland: they have experienced a fall of ri per cent. to-day ; but the market is firm at the lower quotations. Little hasbeen doing in Portuguese and Spanish Securities. The latter rose about per per cent. on Wednesday ; the Active Stock having been done at r2o0f: ;Numerous sellers, however, appeared ready to take advantage of this improve- ment; and more than 100,000 Stock was brought into the market, in parcels of from 10,000 to 30,000 each. The price has consequently receded nearly to the extent to which it had risen.
The Railway Shares are all firm at previous quotations, notwithstanding the depression of Consuls. The heavier description of Shares are in request.
'Very little has been doing this morning ; Consols are j per cent. higher than yesterday afternoon—the price for Money, Ex. Dividend, being 00A 4,
and that for Account 92b In the Foreign Market, prices are nearly the same. Railway Shares are also within a little of yesterday's paces—London and Bit tningbam 66 70 prem. ; Great Western 91 101 prem. ; Southampton 14 to 13 din. ; New Shares Ill 121 prem. ; United Brighton :3i 3 per share. The South American Bands may be quoted as under—Columbian 24 241; Mexican 26 261 ; Pet uvian 19k 201.
3 per Cent. Consols . ex. die ,
pinto for Account
3 per Cent. Reduced
Neu at per Cent. Auus
fink Stock e India Sto k Ditto Bowls
Exeltiquer Bills Belgian 5 per Cents
100 904 4
91 914 98 984 204 205
5(10 101 Brazilian 5 per Cents
Dutch 24 per Cents
Portuguese Regeuey 5 p. Cts
Ditto 3 per Cent.
Russian( 042215 per Cent .11.09* SpulaiSh (1835) 5 per Cent red Stuck
e Passive Ditto
724 3 7:1i 73 524
19 194
11 7