The people of Canada have no advocate, no friend, no
impartial and just judge, in the London daily press ; which is entirely in the bands of 'Ministerialists, or Tories, or influenced by persons connected with the great "interests'—shipping, land-jobbing, or bondholding—in the City. There never was so close a combination for injustice—for the powerful against the feeble. The poor Canadians have no "interest" to befriend them ; there is nothing to be made, and much to be lost in their defence. With the resolution to stem the torrent of misrepresen- tation, their intrepid and avowed advocate, Mr. ROEBUCK, has corn. menced a sixpenny weekly pamphlet, called the Canadian Portfolio. There the grievances of the Canadians are stated, and their vain attempts at redress recorded. The lovers of truth and justice—they who wish to see both sides of a question—should read the Portfolio, as an antidote to the newspapers.